How to Turn off Screen Overlay on Android Marshmallow

If you are running Android Marshmallow on your Android phone then you might have crossed ” Screen Overlay Detected ” error a few times. A popup appears and warns you that a screen overlay has been detected. This is a post on how to fix the ” Screen Overlay Detected ” error on your Android device. However, this is a common issue found on Android Marshmallow.

Reasons why this Error appears :

  • You are using a floating app or a utility app which requests access rights.
  • Problematic apps like Clean Master, CM Security, DU Power Saver, Whatsapp, Prisma, Lux and Twilight or Bascially those apps having screen overlay.

How to Turn off Screen Overlay on Android Marshmallow

  1. Go to Settings>Apps and Tap on the Gear Icon on the top right corner.
    Apps Overlay
    • Save
  2.  After you have tapped on the Gear Icon, Tap on ” Draw over other apps “.
    • Save
  3. Select the app that has been showing you the error and Toggle to “Yes” or “No”.
    • Save

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