This is an easy tutorial on how to enable ping and fps in Dota 2 Reborn. It’s pretty easy and simple just few clicks and you will see your ping and fps in your game.
In the new Dota 2 Reborn, you do not need to enter ” -net_graph 1 ” in the console for enabling the ping and fps in game. Also Enabling this feature, you will get how much packet loss you are facing during your gameplay.
Firstly, Open your Dota 2 Reborn then Click on Settings and Click on Options then Click on “To Advanced Options” and tick over the “Display Network Information” and you will be able to see your Ping and FPS during your game.
After you find match and start to play, the ping, fps and packet loss information will be displayed on the right-top of your screen.
There you go! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy…