Apex Legends is a new Battle Royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment. It is a character-driver, squad-based Battle Royale shooter from EA. This game looks really good. I played it a few times and have to say it’s better than most Battle Royales games out there.
Lets get on with the topic. There are basically no options in the Settings of Apex Legends to see FPS or Ping in-game. There are workarounds for that.
How to See Ping and FPS in Apex Legends
To check the FPS in Apex Legends, you will need to open Origin Launcher.

- After opening Origin Launcher, Go to Origin>Application Settings>ORIGIN IN-GAME.
- You will need to enable Origin In-Game.
- You can see FPS in Apex Legends by selecting an option in the “Display FPS Counter”
- There are about 5 options for displaying the FPS. One is “Don’t Display” and 4 of them are for displaying FPS in different corners of your screen like Top Right, Top Left, Bottom Right and Bottom Left.

That’s how you see your FPS in Apex Legends.
Checking the Ping or Latency in Apex Legends is tricky. You literally need to be AFK for a minute or two for the option to pop up.

- Stay AFK for a minute or two in the game.
- Data Center pops up besides Accessibility Options.
- Click on Data Center and Choose your Server. You can see ping with location name and packet loss %.

Also, The Data Center option appeared when i was in-game and lost my network for a few minutes.

Yeah, that’s about it. This was a step by step tutorial on how to check fps and ping in Apex Legends. There’s an article on how to install apex legends on pc you can checkout.
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